23 Μαρτίου 2013

The Psychology of Losing Poker

It's no secret that there is a lot of psychology to the game of poker. A basic knowledge of psychological principles can help a player plan his approach, read his opponents, and deal with his wins in a tournament setting. One of the most often overlooked psychological aspects of the game is the psychology of losing. Having a better understanding of what happens physiologically and psychologically when one loses the game can help prevent addiction and keep one focused on the game itself.  It is important to realize that when one loses a game, there is a natural physiological response that the body produces. It is uncomfortable. It makes your stomach churn, changes your blood pressure, constricts thousands of muscles and causes physical and mental anguish. The automatic recourse that one has to this reaction is to try to win, and fast. A win would certainly rid the body off this pain, but rushing into another game to quell the loss is the start of a poker addiction. Patience is a very important part of good poker play, as is keeping to be neutral to positive outlook.   Adjusting the way one thinks about the game can prevent this bodily reaction from taking place and allow the player the opportunity to make more rational game decisions, including a more rational response to losing a game. It is vital to one's poker game to make sure that he knows when he is prone to the aforementioned physiological response. It is possible to diffuse it with acceptance of the loss and additional adjustment of one's expectations for his play. Holding lofty expectations only amplifies the effect of said physiological response and proceeds to make it not only a real influence to one's poker game, but his life in general as well. A good way to normalize one's expectations is to keep records of his games and his statistics for play.

Learn the Smokescreen

SmokescreenPoker and sex have a few things in common. First of all, you can pour money into both with the hope of a pay off in the end, only to walk away with an empty wallet and a deep, unsatisfied feeling that is often accompanied with the humiliation of knowing you have been played for a fool. Also in poker, as well as sex, things are not always as they seem. While you be elated that the extremely attractive young lady who looks as though she walked off the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is giving you attention, this can all change when in a moment of passion you discover she has an Adams apple. While no mouthwash in the world can gargle out the shame and disgust of your Crying Game moment, the point is that you had been caught in a situation where perception and reality were two completely different things.
Billions of words have been written about the game of poker, about strategies, and about how to win at the game. Just about every utterance or typed statement comes down to the fact that poker is a game where you are trying to alter your opponent’s perception of reality (or see through your adversaries own perception altering smokescreen).
Unless you have spontaneously developed superpowers chances are you cannot see your opponent’s hand. Nor can they see yours. This leaves us with a game that is based completely on what you think your opponent might have, and how much reality you can alter in the name of winning the pot. This means all the pot odds and mathematics pale in comparison to being someone who can use guile to change how others see reality.
Remember, poker in its simplest form is about perception, not reality. Learn to change the perception and you will win at the game.

101 Poker Tips the Pros use to Win 5/5

These easy 101 poker tips helps you to make sure you're one of the few players that make money at the world's greatest game.
81-101 poker tips:

81.Don't Be Afraid Of Monsters In The Closet
I know I said to be careful of playing overpairs too fast, but you can't be afraid of monsters in the closet either. When someone goes all- in on a flop like 8-7-2, it doesn't always mean they have a set. They might have JJ, QQ or KK and your aces could be good. You have to weigh the situation carefully to make the right decision.

82.Don't Bluff Calling Stations
Calling stations call. That's their defining characteristic. There's no sense trying to get someone to fold if it's not in them to lay anything down. When you face a calling station, stop all forms of bluffing and bet all hands for value. Let the calling station feed you their stack when you have a hand.

83.Get A Mentor
There's no substitute for a skilled player by your side helping you improve. Some people may be fortunate enough to know someone who will mentor them, others might meet someone in forums or in poker leagues; but even people who don't have any poker contacts can hire a mentor. It won't be cheap, but a good mentor will be worth many times their price.

84.Know The Difference Between A Value Raise And A Stealing Raise
This knowledge is especially important in tournament play where stealing and re-stealing blinds drives the final stages. Raises from early position are usually value raises. It's hard to steal from an early position. Late position raises are more likely to be a steal. However beware of small raises from late position. The raiser might be trying to price you in the hand.

85.Let The Money Come Naturally
You can't force profits. If you try, you'll hemorrhage money. Accept the fact that you're not going to earn $30 an hour playing $0.50/$1 No-Limit. You'll have to grind it out and roll up in limits until you can play a game big enough to make the money you want. Poker is a game of skill and patience. Disciplined players profit and impulsive players go broke.

86.Use Your Betting Patterns To Disguise Your Hand
Astute players will pick up on how you play certain hands. If you want to get paid, you have to change your usual betting pattern. I once got a player to give me 30% of their stack with air when I had trips because I played them the exact same way I played a pure bluff five hands earlier. My opponent recognized the line and thought I was on a bluff when I had a powerful hand.

87.Don't Berate Donkeys
Don't insult bad players at your table even if they draw out on you. If anything you should go out of your way to praise their poor play and make them feel comfortable. You want bad players to stay at your table for as long as possible and they won't do that if you keep telling them what a moron they are.

88.Watch Out For The Squeeze Play
Let's say there are three limpers in early position. You're in middle position with 66, so you call hoping to see a cheap flop. Someone behind you raises and everyone folds to the big blind who re-raises. Now you're caught in a squeeze play. You can't call because you don't know if the original raiser is going re-raise the big blind and you don't want to commit too many chips with a pair of sixes. Fold and make a mental note of the situation. If this play is common at your table it might be a good opportunity to trap with a big hand.

101 Poker Tips the Pros use to Win 4/5

These easy 101 poker tips helps you to make sure you're one of the few players that make money at the world's greatest game.
61-80 poker tips: 

61.Leave Your Ego At Home
You know what I'm talking about. You've felt that tinge of anger when someone raises your bluff. You start thinking things like "That donkey isn't going to push me out of the pot" and you start to make stupid moves (the donkey raised you because he's trying to let you know has trips). Make moves based on logic, not ego.

62.They're Not Playing Back At You
I used to have that sentence on a post-it on the corner of my computer screen. Whenever someone raised me my first thought was, "they're playing back at me." I should have thought that they have a hand and then tried to figure out what that hand was. If I couldn't put them on a hand, then I should start to wonder if they are playing back at me. My post-it always reminded me of that fact and I started to make better lay downs and well-timed moves.

63.Play In Medium Sized Card Rooms
Medium sized card rooms are my preferred stalking grounds. These rooms are usually too small to attract the online pros and these rooms advertise like crazy and offer great bonuses to attract new players. It's a highly profitable situation.

64.Stop Saying You're Sorry
I can't stand it when I see a player apologize for drawing out on someone. First of all, you're not sorry. You're glad you won the hand. You probably even had a mini celebration in front of your computer before typing your apology. Second, everyone deserves to draw out occasionally. We've all had our fair share of bad beats so don't be sorry when the poker gods balance the scales.

65.Avoid Names Like JacknJill27
When I see a handle like that, I know I'm dealing with someone who plays for fun. Jack and Jill are a young couple in their mid/late twenties that thought it would be fun to open a poker account together so they could play. Cute. Serious players don't do this. Serious players don't let anyone else play under their name so their stats aren't tainted. JacknJill27 might as well use the handle iSpew4u.

66.Establish An Image And Act To The Contrary
Are you a loose player? Spend some time folding to establish a tight image before loosening up. Your speculative hands will get paid because no one will suspect your hand and your bluffs will get more respect. Are you a tight player? Do all the things that loose players do when you first sit at a table. Post your blind out of turn and raise your first three hands regardless of what they are. Get caught with trash once or twice and then tighten up. Players will start playing top pair/weak kicker to the felt against you.

67.Change Gears When Needed
Acting contrary to your image shouldn't be a one-time thing. Change gears frequently. Start playing loose when it's obvious that you have a tight image and vice-versa. After a couple of gear shifts your opponents won't know what to think. And keeping your opponents off balanced is a very good thing.

68.Play In A Poker Room With A VIP Store
Lots of poker rooms give you points for playing that can be redeemed for books, clothes, poker chips, and even cars and tournament tickets. It's just another way to maximize your poker profits.

101 Poker Tips the Pros use to Win 3/5

These easy 101 poker tips helps you to make sure you're one of the few players that make money at the world's greatest game.
41-60 poker tips: 

41.Test The Waters Before You Dive In
The best way to break into new limits is to take an occasional shot at the higher limit. When I plan on moving up in Sit 'N Goes, I'll open one game at the new limit and several at my current limit. That way I can gain confidence and get a feel for the new players before I dive in and put my bankroll at risk.

42.Take Notes On Your Opponents
I don't mean writing "donkey" in their notes. I mean write down any move your opponent makes that's unusual like "raised with 10-8 suited from middle position in an unopened pot" or "re-raised with pocket tens from the small blind." These notes will help you put your opponents on a hand when you're playing against them.

43.Buddy List The Fish
I have dozens of buddies in each of my poker accounts but none of them are actually friends of mine. All of them, however, are very poor poker players. This practice is often called "fish stalking" and it can be very profitable. If you find a couple of your fish buddies at a table, sit down and clean up.

44.Use Proper Table Selection
Poker is a predatory game. You make money when you play against players worse than you and you lose money when you play against players better than you so it only makes sense to seek out worse players. Don't just sit down at the first table with an open chair. Do a little research to see which table has the loosest and most passive players. Loose-passive players are ATM machines. They'll feed you cash all day long.

45.Use The Right Statistics When Selecting Tables
The two most important statistics to use when selecting a table are the "% to the flop" and the "average pot size." A high percentage of players seeing the flop means the table is loose and a higher than average pot size means that the players give a lot of action. You need both of these statistics to be favorable for the game to be good. Just be careful when players leave and new ones join. Fish splashing around tend to attract sharks.

46.Don't Drink And Play
I know it's fun. I've done it more times than I care to admit and I almost always end up losing money. Your judgment will be impaired after a couple of drinks and you'll start making the wrong moves and missing out on opportunities. If you're playing to win, play sober.

47.Know Your Game
Are you playing a freezeout, a shootout, a rebuy or a bounty? Different tournaments require different strategies. For example, freezeouts reward tight play and giving up a hand in marginal situations early on, however if you're in a bounty tournament it might be advantageous to try to take out the player if you think you have a reasonable chance of winning.

101 Poker Tips the Pros use to Win 2/5

These easy 101 poker tips helps you to make sure you're one of the few players that make money at the world's greatest game.
21-40 poker tips:

21.Estimate Implied Odds
Pot odds aren't the only odds you need to consider. A good player has to be able to estimate how much more they'll win if they hit their hand. Different draws have different levels of profitability. For example, flush draws are easy to spot and tend to slow players down but if you're holding 8-10 and the board is J-9-2, your draw will well disguised and your implied odds will be better.

22.Don't Pay Too Much To Draw
If someone prices you out of a draw, curse your luck and let the hand go unless you think your opponent will pay you off if you hit.

23.Consider The Turn And The River When You Draw
How much is your opponent betting on the flop? Do you think you'll see one card or do you think you'll get a free card on the turn? Remember that someone who bets heavy on the flop is likely to bet heavy on the turn if it's a blank. Your odds of making a draw on one card are significantly less than on two cards and chances are you're only going to see one card if your opponent is making serious bets.

24.Hidden Draws Are Better Than Obvious Ones
I alluded to this tip earlier. I'll pay more for a draw when I have 8-10 on a board of J-9-2 than I will with Ax of spades when there are two spades on the flop. The reason is that my opponents will notice the spade draw and shut down if it hits, but they're less likely to notice the straight draw when I have a single gapper - especially if I raised preflop.

25.Don't Defend A Second Best Hand
I see this happen all the time. Most of the time it's because someone entered the pot with ace-rag and an ace hit the flop. They continue to bet and raise the hand never considering that they're probably out kicked. Have the good sense to fold if you think your hand may be second best.

26.Stop Completing The Small Blind With Trash
"But I'm getting a discount" is the cry of the poker loser. Playing too loose in the small blind is a huge leak in most players' games. The problem with completing the small blind is that you'll either win a small pot or lose a big one. It's hard to get paid off when your trash hits but it's easy to donk off your stack when your hand is second best.

27.Raise From The Small Blind When You Have A Big Hand Verses The Big Blind
Many players just complete the small blind when it's folded to them when they have a big hand. Not me. One of my favorite moves is to raise from the small blind when it's folded to me and I have a big hand. The big blind thinks you're stealing and calls to defend. Then they proceed to play their Q7 to the felt when they hit top pair. Every time you raise they think you're trying to steal. They never consider that you might have kings or aces.

22 Μαρτίου 2013

101 Poker Tips the Pros use to Win 1/5

These easy 101 poker tips helps you to make sure you're one of the few players that make money at the world's greatest game.
1-20 poker tips:

1.Be Selective With Your Starting Hands
Profitable poker begins with selecting profitable hands. A player who only plays the top 10% to 20% of the possible starting hands will generally make more money than a player who plays the top 30% to 40% of starting hands. Loose players can still be profitable players, but it requires considerably more skill to play a loose style profitably. Tighten up and watch your profits soar.

2.Practice Effective Bankroll Management
Everyone goes broke at one point or another and it's usually because of poor bankroll management. Generally speaking, you should have 30 to 50 buy-ins for whatever game you're playing. So if you buy into a $1/$2 No-Limit Hold'em game for $200, you should have a bankroll of $6k to $10k. The looser you play, the more buy-ins you should have to make sure your bankroll can withstand the swings.

3.Take A Study Day Each Week
Become a student of the game. Read all the poker books you can get your hands on. In fact, read these books multiple times. I have some poker books that I've read 5 times over and I find something new every time I read them. A few good books to have are The Theory of PokerSit 'N Go StrategySuper System and the Harrington on Hold'em series. There are several other good books as well. Take some time and browse your local bookstore to see which authors you like to read.

4.Be Prepared For Downswings
If you practice effective bankroll management you'll be financially prepared for downswings, but you need to be mentally prepared as well. Poker may be a game of skill, but there is a dash of luck involved too. You need to stay focused when the poker gods see fit to squash you like a bug. Even the best players will face downswings. The trick is to work your way through it as best you can. You can analyze your game to make sure your downswing isn't due to your play or take a break. Just make sure you don't go on tilt and make the downswing worse.

5.Vary Your Play
After a while, even good players fall into a rhythm. They raise with one hand and limp with another. They only play a certain range from late position and a tighter range from early position. If their opponent checks for a second time on the turn, they always bet 2/3 pot. After a while, your opponents will pick up on these patterns and they'll start outplaying you. Change up your play every once in a while to keep your opponents guessing.

6.Pay Attention To Your Bets
Do your betting patterns betray your hand? Do you only re-raise with aces or kings? Do you raise 5 times the big blind to protect small pairs? Do you make a continuation bet every time you show aggression before the flop and check the turn if your opponent floats you when you have air? Some players have betting patterns so consistent that they might as well announce their hand. What are your betting patterns telling your opponents?

7.Control The Pot
There's an old poker saying that says "Small hand, small pot. Big hand, big pot." You need to control the pot to match your hand. It's tricky controlling the pot without alerting your opponents to your hand, but it's a necessary skill if you want to win more money.

8.Keep An Eye On The Nuts
Always know what the best possible hand is on every street and determine how likely it is that your opponent holds the cards necessary to make that hand. For example, if you're playing a re-raised pot and have JJ on a board of Q-J-10, there's a decent chance that your trips are up against a straight if your opponent is raising and re-raising. However if you're playing a re-raised pot and have 99 on a board of 9-7-5, it's much less likely your opponent is holding the 68 necessary for the straight.

9.Be Aware Of Your Position
Too many new players are oblivious to the advantages of playing in position. It's easier to trap your opponents and it's easier to make moves on your opponent when you're in position.

Things You Need To Know About Poker

1. Poker is a long-term game
The true measuring stick of a poker player is what type of decisions they make. If they make good decisions they will win in the long-run; if they make poor decisions they will lose in the long-run: It’s that simple!
So, why do so many players make poor decisions? The reason for poor decisions is quite simple, most people view poker in the short-term. These players do not hit the tables enough to think beyond a single hand or session. Even if they have heard the term ‘long-term’, it has never been explained properly, and is too abstract a concept to fully sink in.
In poker: Winning is the result of good decisions, not the other way around.
This is an extremely difficult concept for many players to wrap their heads around. It’s hard to explain to someone who just won a huge pot that they made a blunder at some point in the hand, and were merely lucky. Generally you’ll be told, “gotta get lucky sometimes.”
The truth is, just because you win a pot doesn’t mean you made good decisions during it; and just because you lose a pot doesn’t mean you made bad decisions!
You will find most of your opponents have this concept completely backwards. They feel if they win the pot they did something right; they don’t realize that for every 1 in 10 miracle they hit, there will be nine other times they miss. And, it’s these 9 other times that cause them to lose money. They remember the $150 win, and forget about the nine $20 losses.
2. Your money comes from your opponent’s mistakes
It’s extremely important you understand this concept. Poker is a battle of mistakes; the player making the fewest, and least costly mistakes, is the player who will be taking home the money in the long-run (it’s not the player who knows the most, or pulls off the best bluff). If you play in a game where your opponents make more mistakes than you do, you will come out on top regardless of your skill level. All you have to do to be a winning player is look for players that are worse than you!
This holds true for any game or stakes. If the five best players in the world are sitting at a particular table, and the 6th best player pulls up a chair, guess who is going to be the fish in the game?
3. You don’t have to be the best to make money
Another problem even the best players have is they try to beat everyone. Instead of focusing on the weaker players, they are out to prove their superiority over everyone at the table.  In a typical poker game there will be one or two players who are feeding chips to the rest of the table (at the lower limits you may find three or four players feeding the table). These are the guys playing 75% of the hands they are dealt, and calling to the river.
Good players will attempt to exploit these ‘feeders’ by isolating them in pots, while avoiding the locksmiths with all but their best hands. There is no point in continually battling skilled players, even if you feel you have a slight edge over them, when you have people who are practically throwing their money at you.
I'm not condoning total avoidance of decent players; just contemplate the risks and the reward before you get involved. Sure you can push a locksmith off a hand when he bricks, but if you're constantly playing pots against players who make few mistakes, you're fighting an uphill battle. Remember, most of your profits are coming from your opponent’s mistakes, not from your good plays. And, the worse an opponent is, the more mistakes he will make.
These small gaffes you commit trying to ‘prove’ something, can end up being the difference between winning and losing in the long-run. There is such a small margin for error in poker that a single mistake can put you in the red (Barry Greenstein guessed this edge to be around 3% for the best players, so imagine what it is for you).

21 Μαρτίου 2013


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16 Μαρτίου 2013

Poker and sunglasses

Can you imagine Greg Raymer without his orange fossils? Or Marcel Luske not wearing his sunglasses upside down? Of course not. Its an essential part of their image, something like a trademark. We can bring them into line with Johnny Chans orange and Benny Binions hat. However, there are a lot of people now who say that sunglasses should be banned at casinos. Why is that? Lets try to figure it out.   If you want to find out when the sunglasses were invented, youll see that they were already used in China in the 12th century or possibly even earlier. They were made of smoky quartz in those times and protected not only from the sunshine but from the sights of other people. Those who wear sunglasses leave almost no chance for anybody to read their emotions. Contemporary documents describe the use of such glasses by judges in Chinese courts to conceal their facial expressions while questioning witnesses.   Yes, facing a person wearing sunglasses we feel at a loss because we dont know what he is thinking about and even where he is looking at. This fact is used widely by modern poker players (I emphasize the word modern meaning the players of the new wave. You cant imagine the old-time players using that tricks). They wear shades to make it difficult for their opponents to read them and probably to hide some tells.    I wear prescription sunglasses, says one poker player I love them because simply wearing them makes you look scarier plus, I'm able to watch people look at their hole cards, the flop, turn and river, without them ever knowing I'm staring dead at them. That is crucial for the way I read players. If people don't know your staring at them, they do some pretty stupid things...   So he does not even hide the fact that those who wear sunglasses have more advantages and chances to win. It is on a part with the issue of drug taking in cycling or athletics, it was written in one article.   So a lot of people now say that sunglasses should be banned at casinos. Well, in fact, I dont think this little thing is that bad. If a person has a habit of expressing tells, sunglasses wont help him as he might be read through his voice, movements etc. And if a player feels more comfortable wearing his sunglasses - why not to let him do it? If you do not to give him any advantage, just go and buy those for yourself.   By the way sometimes they can do harm to you. I tried to wear sunglasses once at the World Series and misread my hand, recalls Phil Ivey. I threw them into the garbage can, and they were $1,100 sunglasses they cost me a $100,000 pot.   So who is talking about advantages here? Its poker, thats it.

Winning tips

Be courageous.  What distinguishes best poker players? Their courage. Its one of the characteristics you need to be the best. Doyle Brunson once said: Timid players dont win in high-stakes Poker. Courage means: everything youve put in the pot belongs to the pot. Its not yours. Forget about that money. But never dare to make a bit bet if you feel that its the best action at that time. But if you have already put much money in the pot and now you see that its impossible to win then dont hesitate to fold. Dont think about the money, think about the game. What else does courage mean? It means that you cant see the profit but still take risks. You may say that courage is not that important, but have you ever seen a player without it?Be patient.  Patience means that every time you see clearly that you will lose, you should fold even if it is the 31st hand you fold. You have to be very patient, waiting for the best hand.Be vigilant.Even if youre tied. Even if youve spent more than 12 hours at the table be vigilant! Dont say its impossible. Think about Johnny Moss and Nick the Greek Dandolos, who spent 5 months at the poker table in 1949. Nobody could repeat it. And you dont have to. But when staying at the table be vigilant. Always.Control your emotions.  Remember: if you have hard times, dont take a seat at the poker table. For example, if youve just parted with you girl-(or boy-)friend dont play poker. Because you will not be able to concentrate. Its very simple. When playing poker you should think only about poker. When making love with a girl, you should think only about a girl. Dont confuse girls with poker. Also if you feel upset about the money youve lost leave the table go and play something else (darts, tic-tac-toe).

Motivation (level: advanced)

  1. If you decide not to do something harmful to your poker bankroll, and you stick to your resolution day after day, you might one day be in the wrong frame of mind, make a bad decision, and do the harmful thing. To avoid this (as Mike Caro University of Poker advises), you should…
(a) use a stream-of-consciousness approach to let your good thoughts put your bad thoughts in a virtual “locked nest of inordinate security”;
(b) punt;
(c) divide yourself into two entities — one who makes the rational decisions at home and one that goes out to follow orders, but cannot give them;
(d) find someone who will act informally as your advisor, always on call and willing to be at your side within 20 minutes of any infraction.
  1. Which is the only reasonable statement below?
(a) Married poker players almost never bluff, so if you’re married, you can surprise opponents by making bluffs — which is a self-motivating endeavor;
(b) About half the players go on tilt sometimes in their poker careers; the other half don’t, and that other half are mostly winners;
(c) If you believe strongly enough in your poker abilities, you will win for any period of 17 weeks or longer;
(d) You should keep in mind that you earn money when you correctly fold a hand, even though you lose the pot.
  1. If you talk about how badly your luck is running…
(a) you can create a bond with your opponents by seeming honest, and that will help you win;
(b) you set a trap by surprising your unsuspecting opponents when you finally get good cards.
(c) you motivate many of your opponents and cause them to play better, because they may think, “Hey, there’s someone unluckier than I am — someone I can beat”;
(d) that’s bad, because you’re wishing for bad luck by dwelling on it, and if you wish hard enough, bad cards are more likely to be dealt to you.
  1. The statement, “Sooner or later, any player is definitely going to be a lot of money ahead at poker for life, if he just studies a little and stays motivated” is…
(a) false, because most players won’t have the tools to win by just studying a little, even if they stay motivated;
(b) true, because a little study is all it takes, if you’re intelligent and friendly;
(c) false, because even if a player studies enough to win and stays motivated, he’s probably going to lose, even to the weakest players;
(d) all of the above..
  1. If you have a conservative image and are believed to be a “tight” player, you won’t be called as often when you hold big winning hands…
(a) true;
(b) false
  1. If you have a liberal image and are thought of as a “loose,” fun, and confusing player, opponents sometimes will give you extremely weak calls as gifts that they wouldn’t give other players…
(a) true;
(b) false
  1. You’re more likely to win if you …
(a) imagine you’re being paid by the hour, rather than by pots won;
(b) keep your bankroll divided into 55 segments and never lose more than 1.33 segments per session;
(c) fold the hands that have given you psychological agony in the past, even if these seem like powerful hands now;
(d) pretend you’re invisible.
  1. One powerful path to poker profit is to…
(a) give your opponents “permission” to play poorly by playing poor hands and showing them, with the intent of making those opponents think you play these hands more often than you do;
(b) leave the table for at least 12 minutes every hour;
(c)bluff each player at least once in a session;
(d) all of the above.
  1. Imagine you’re in a home game and you think you might be getting cheated, but are unsure. You should usually quit the game, because you won’t be playing your best poker while you’re worried about it…
(a) true;
(b) false
  1. Which statement is true?
(a) If you’re a skillful player, you can motivate yourself to play better simply by understanding and believing in the power of probability;
(b) You shouldn’t be concerned with winning or losing streaks;
(c)Most players exaggerate their bad luck when they relate what happened to them when they lost at the poker table;
(d) All of the above 

9 Μαρτίου 2013

Poker hand rankings categorie

Royal Flush
Highest (Ace high) Straight Flush, Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10, all of the same suit
Royal Flush

Straight Flush
Five consecutive cards, all of the same suit

Straight Flush
Four of a Kind
Four cards of the same rank (the fifth card is kicker)

Four of a Kind
Full House
Three of a Kind and a Pair

Full House

Five cards of the same suit that are not consecutive

Five consecutive cards of more than one suit (ace can be high or low)

Three of a Kind
Three cards of the same rank (two unpaired cards are kickers)
Three of a Kind

Two Pairs
Two cards of same rank and two cards of another same rank (fifth card is kicker)
Two Pairs

One pair
Two cards of the same rank (three cards with different rank are kickers)
One Pair

High Card
none of the above – 5 cards of different ranks not in sequence and with more than 1 suit
High Card
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