16 Μαρτίου 2013

Winning tips

Be courageous.  What distinguishes best poker players? Their courage. Its one of the characteristics you need to be the best. Doyle Brunson once said: Timid players dont win in high-stakes Poker. Courage means: everything youve put in the pot belongs to the pot. Its not yours. Forget about that money. But never dare to make a bit bet if you feel that its the best action at that time. But if you have already put much money in the pot and now you see that its impossible to win then dont hesitate to fold. Dont think about the money, think about the game. What else does courage mean? It means that you cant see the profit but still take risks. You may say that courage is not that important, but have you ever seen a player without it?Be patient.  Patience means that every time you see clearly that you will lose, you should fold even if it is the 31st hand you fold. You have to be very patient, waiting for the best hand.Be vigilant.Even if youre tied. Even if youve spent more than 12 hours at the table be vigilant! Dont say its impossible. Think about Johnny Moss and Nick the Greek Dandolos, who spent 5 months at the poker table in 1949. Nobody could repeat it. And you dont have to. But when staying at the table be vigilant. Always.Control your emotions.  Remember: if you have hard times, dont take a seat at the poker table. For example, if youve just parted with you girl-(or boy-)friend dont play poker. Because you will not be able to concentrate. Its very simple. When playing poker you should think only about poker. When making love with a girl, you should think only about a girl. Dont confuse girls with poker. Also if you feel upset about the money youve lost leave the table go and play something else (darts, tic-tac-toe).
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