23 Μαρτίου 2013

101 Poker Tips the Pros use to Win 4/5

These easy 101 poker tips helps you to make sure you're one of the few players that make money at the world's greatest game.
61-80 poker tips: 

61.Leave Your Ego At Home
You know what I'm talking about. You've felt that tinge of anger when someone raises your bluff. You start thinking things like "That donkey isn't going to push me out of the pot" and you start to make stupid moves (the donkey raised you because he's trying to let you know has trips). Make moves based on logic, not ego.

62.They're Not Playing Back At You
I used to have that sentence on a post-it on the corner of my computer screen. Whenever someone raised me my first thought was, "they're playing back at me." I should have thought that they have a hand and then tried to figure out what that hand was. If I couldn't put them on a hand, then I should start to wonder if they are playing back at me. My post-it always reminded me of that fact and I started to make better lay downs and well-timed moves.

63.Play In Medium Sized Card Rooms
Medium sized card rooms are my preferred stalking grounds. These rooms are usually too small to attract the online pros and these rooms advertise like crazy and offer great bonuses to attract new players. It's a highly profitable situation.

64.Stop Saying You're Sorry
I can't stand it when I see a player apologize for drawing out on someone. First of all, you're not sorry. You're glad you won the hand. You probably even had a mini celebration in front of your computer before typing your apology. Second, everyone deserves to draw out occasionally. We've all had our fair share of bad beats so don't be sorry when the poker gods balance the scales.

65.Avoid Names Like JacknJill27
When I see a handle like that, I know I'm dealing with someone who plays for fun. Jack and Jill are a young couple in their mid/late twenties that thought it would be fun to open a poker account together so they could play. Cute. Serious players don't do this. Serious players don't let anyone else play under their name so their stats aren't tainted. JacknJill27 might as well use the handle iSpew4u.

66.Establish An Image And Act To The Contrary
Are you a loose player? Spend some time folding to establish a tight image before loosening up. Your speculative hands will get paid because no one will suspect your hand and your bluffs will get more respect. Are you a tight player? Do all the things that loose players do when you first sit at a table. Post your blind out of turn and raise your first three hands regardless of what they are. Get caught with trash once or twice and then tighten up. Players will start playing top pair/weak kicker to the felt against you.

67.Change Gears When Needed
Acting contrary to your image shouldn't be a one-time thing. Change gears frequently. Start playing loose when it's obvious that you have a tight image and vice-versa. After a couple of gear shifts your opponents won't know what to think. And keeping your opponents off balanced is a very good thing.

68.Play In A Poker Room With A VIP Store
Lots of poker rooms give you points for playing that can be redeemed for books, clothes, poker chips, and even cars and tournament tickets. It's just another way to maximize your poker profits.

69.Play Within Your Skill Level
Tight playing styles are easier to play than loose playing styles. If you're new, you should only play the best possible hands (AA-99, AK, AQ). It's pretty boring, but you'll win in full ring games at the lower limits. As your game improves you can add other pocket pairs and AJ, A10. Soon you'll be playing suited connectors and suited single gappers. Then one day you'll realize that you're calling with trash in position because you know you can outplay the preflop raiser. Start out playing tight and loosen up until you find your happy place.

70.Analyze Your Win Rate By The Time Of Day
One of the first things you should do when you join a new poker room is start to analyze how much you win at different times of the day. After several hundred hours of play, you'll notice a pattern start to develop. There will be one time period when you'll win considerably more than others. That's the time the fish log-on. Make sure you're on too.

71.Set Limits And Trail Stops
Here's a tip from the financial markets. In poker, like in financial markets, people tend to cut their profits and let their losses ride. That's the opposite of what you should be doing. Set a loss limit when you start playing and stop when you hit it. If you start to win, raise your loss limit. Repeat this process until you hit your loss limit (your stop) and then stop playing.

72.Don't Listen To Your Friends
I'm sure your poker friends have given you advice on how to play, but you shouldn't listen to them unless your friends are at the skill level you're striving for. Everyone wants to be considered an expert, but few people are. You won't get to the final table of a WPT tournament by listening to the advice of someone who can't beat a $10 Sit 'N Go.

73.Start A Study Group
Instead of blindly taking advice from friends, start a study group where you all bring interesting hands or read poker books and discuss them. Five players may be mediocre by themselves, but their collective experience can equal that of a great player. Each person will improve as they absorb the strengths of the others.

74.Record Your Games
There are plenty of free screen recording programs on the web. Find one and start recording your games. You can buy an external hard drive to store them. Review your play regularly so you can spot leaks. You can also use the videos for discussion at your poker study groups.

75.Test Your Knowledge
Do you have an objective way to determine your level of poker knowledge? Find websites that offer "hand of the day" puzzles and buy poker workbooks like Harrington on Hold'em: Volume III. These exercises will help you make the right decision when it really matters.

76.Join Poker Forums
Poker forums are a great way to learn from top pros both online and offline. The 2+2 forums specifically are frequented by some of the top names in poker. It's not enough to get poker advice. You need good poker advice to improve.

77.Take Calculated Risks
Remember that Full Tilt commercial that shows Phil Ivey facing a raise and thinking about all the hands his opponent could have? He finally thinks, "I like my chances" and goes all in. Sometimes you have to take calculated risks like that. If you've never called with a losing hand then you're not calling enough. Every once in a while you'll make the wrong move, but eventually you'll be right more often than you're wrong.

78.Show Donkey Moves Occasionally
This works well at the low and middle limits where other players think they're poker gods. All it takes is one really bad call and the other players will take you off their radar. When you wake up with a big hand, you drag them over the coals and they won't know it until you showdown. This is a trick move that shouldn't be used against experienced players. They'll see right through it.

79.Teach A Friend
Obviously you have to be a decent player to do this. If you know someone with less experience than you that wants to learn the game, take him under your wing and try to teach him. You'll learn a lot about your own poker knowledge when you try to explain complex concepts and you'll often find that you know the right plays even though you might not make them in the heat of a game. The best way to learn a subject is to teach it.

80.Know When Your Draw Is A Favorite
Have you ever had a really great draw? Something like K(h)Q(h) on a board like J(h)-10(h)-8(s)? In this hand you have a straight flush draw and two over cards. Your draw is a monster! There are 21 cards in the deck that will improve your hand. You might not have the best hand now, but the odds are good that you'll have a monster by the river. I'm getting all my money in the center on a draw like this. If you' re trying to see the river cheap here, you're playing this draw too slow. You're a favorite over top pair, all over pairs except AA (slight dog there), two pair and even a made straight. You can't play a hand this big weak.

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