28 Μαΐου 2013

Loose-Aggressive Player

What style of poker do you play? Are you welcomed to a table with open arms by the lively set? Do highly conservative players look for other games when you sit down? Either way, you might have reputation as a bit of maniac at the table, and that means you could be a:
Loose-Aggressive Player
The Loose- Aggressive player is called a “Maniac” because that is how more conservative players perceive him. The Maniac is in every pot and pushing, pushing, pushing with raise after raise. This style of play brings lots of excitement to a game, but also lots of chaos.
Your aggression could be a result of either a poor understanding of how the game is played, betting wise, or simply a love of being “in the action.” You never limp into a pot, you charge in. Calling is almost never an option, you typically raise and re-raise as much as possible. If you cards are good, you raise. If your cards are average, you raise. If your cards are horrible, guess what? You raise.
The pros of being a Loose- Aggressive Player depended a lot on how much you can afford to loose. You will have huge swings in your winnings, taking down some of the most aggressive, juicy pots; but you will also loose big, and more often than you win. If you can afford to play this way, you will be welcome at many tables, and be able to feed your desire to be in the thick of things, mixing it up.
The cons of being a Loose- Aggressive Player are two fold. First, you are going to loose a lot of money. Being loose, in a ton of hands and seeing the through to the end regardless of your cards, is a way to pass out your cash to the other players at the table. Second, you bring chaos to a table, causing tensions to stay high, and this may cause you to be shut out if the other players are fairly conservitive.
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