25 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

10 steps to improve your game

Every poker player who has read any book or magazine article about poker knows that thinking is a large part of the game. Unfortunately, many well intentioned players don’t know how to think about poker. They know there are many important decisions that will affect whether they will win, but they often don’t know how to get started. This overwhelms them and causes them to retreat to just playing based on their intuition – often an unprofitable result.

For those of you who have found yourself in this sort of quandary, let me start you off in the right direction. This is not meant to be an exhaustive study – but just the bare bones necessary to focus your attention on the beginning steps.

Learn the following in this order to improve your game:

1. Good starting hands.

Poker literature is full of them. Go to the bookstore or the library and look through the poker books to find the good starting hands for the limit or no limit hold ‘em game you’re playing. Experts may differ on the bottom of the list, but they are in full agreement of the very best hands. Learn them..

2. Position

Understand how position affects what hands you play and how you play your hand. You don’t have to know, with complete certainty, every single hand you are willing to play from every position. But you should develop a general understanding of how some hands are better from some positions than they are from other positions. Use this to determine how and whether to play your hand.

3. Discipline

Learn to throw away bad hands. Simple as that. Once you apply your knowledge of good starting hands with your understanding of position, you need to get away from those unprofitable hands.

4. Aggression

Learn to raise and re-raise with high quality hands. In no limit learn to bet many multiples of the big blind when the situation calls for it..

5. Evaluate the flop turn and river for yourself.

Ask yourself if the board helped you, and if so how? Learn to understand how the flop, turn and river helped you. You need to understand, quickly, how it improved your hand by either making a hand immediately or giving you powerful draws.

6. Evaluate how the board helped your opponents.

Your hand doesn’t improve in a vacuum. The board applies to everyone else who is still left in the hand. How was it likely to have helped or hurt them?

7. What does my opponent(s) probably have?

Where do you stand relative to the other players? This is often tough to evaluate, requiring as it does that you put a lot of information together. But you need to put your opponent on at least a range of hands. Use their betting habits, your rudimentary categorization of them into a general category of player, and a basic understanding of simple tells to help you. And make sure to think about your hand relative to what you think they are likely to have.

8. What are the odds that I and my opponents will improve and what are we likely to improve to?

You need to learn and understand the basic odds for improving hands on the flop. If you have four of a suit on the flop, for example, what are the odds you’ll make that flush? Similarly with two pair, with a pair, etc. Know these. They’re easy to learn; and you must learn them. This will give you a basic understanding of how likely it is that you will win the hand if you and your opponent stay until the end.

9. What do I want my opponent to do?

Sometimes you want to induce your opponent to fold. Sometimes you want a call. Sometimes you want a call of a large bet or a fold. You need to figure this out based on what you think your opponent is likely to have, what you have, the odds that your opponent is likely to improve to a better hand than yours, and the odds that you are getting.

10. How much should I bet?

What size bet will accomplish what you want? Once you’ve determined the range of hands your opponent is likely to have you need to think about what you want to do about it. If you think you are behind and likely to stay behind until the end of the hand, with your opponent either betting or calling, then you need to check and fold to a bet. If, on the other hand, you determine that you are either ahead or can convince your opponent to fold then you need to think about what size bet will accomplish what you want.
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